Most of the images you have seen up until now use our formula made for black hair. Well, not only do we help people with dark hair, we have 4RootZ available in brown, Auburn, and even blonde as well!
Before & After Photos
Here are some recent pictures of one of our models transforming from gray to rich brown with the use of a little bit of our formula. With just a little bit of 4RootZ hair coloring gel, they were able to see these remarkable results.
Kiss your gray hair goodbye!
You can see that even after using 4RootZ to color the hair, it keeps a soft look. Hair gel can often leave the hair looking hard and rough to the touch. You don’t have to worry about that when you use 4RootZ! Our formula promotes softness and natural look while still allowing you to style your hair as needed.
Thank you, as always, to our wonderful models who help us share our results with the world!
If you are looking for more information on 4RootZ, get in touch with us through our website or check us out on Amazon! In just a few munites you could be well on your way towards styling away your gray!